YooMoney is a payment service provided by "YooMoney", NBCO LLC (hereinafter referred to as the NBCO). License of the Bank of Russia No. 3510-K. YooMoney app 0+.
Information about the terms of service of YooMoney, pricing, and limits can be found in the
"Legal information" section
Cashback in bonus points is provided by the NBCO in case the user has joined the promotion and the conditions of the
"Cashback in categories" promotion within the
YooMoney Loyalty program have been fulfilled. There are restrictions: up to 3,000 bonus points per month in case the transactions over the previous month amounted to 3,000 Russian rubles or more. The NBCO is entitled to make changes to the terms of service.
Cashback in Russian rubles from partners of the Mir payment system is provided after the user sign up for the loyalty program of "NSPK" LLC
on the website or in the "Privet!" mobile app.
If money is added to a YooMoney wallet via ERIP, commission is going to be debited. Its amount and limits depend on where money was added, and information about them is provided to the user before they add money.
Android and Google Play are registered trademarks of Google LLC. iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc., and/or its affiliated organizations in the USA or other countries.