Pay via physical card in Russia

For taxi, at restaurants and stores, no monthly service fee

Convenient payment options

With a card
▪️ At hotels, restaurants, and store
▪️ For taxi and to couriers for delivery
▪️ In apps and on websites
With your phone
▪️ By QR code
Pick up your card and activate it
No need to leave the airport
You only need your phone number and email address
Sign up online right now
You can find YooMoney's office in the baggage claim area. You'll need your passport and migration card: our specialist will give you a bank card and help you activate it.
Pick up your card at the Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, terminal C
Add money to the balance in cash
At a SberBank ATM at the airport and in the city
You can make payments
Pick up your card and activate it
No need to leave the airport
You only need your phone number and email address
Sign up online right now
You can find YooMoney's office in the baggage claim area. You'll need your passport and migration card: our specialist will give you a bank card and help you activate it.
Pick up your card at the Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, terminal C
Add money to the balance in cash
At a SberBank ATM at the airport and in the city
You can make payments
Sign up on the website
Sign up in our Android app
Access the card details and transaction history
Withdraw cash at ATMs with an NFC module
Pay with your Android phone in one touch
Pay by QR code
In the app, you'll be able to:
Sign up in our Android app
Access the card details and transaction history
Withdraw cash at ATMs with an NFC module
Pay with your Android phone in one touch
Pay by QR code
In the app, you'll be able to:
Pick up your card and activate it
at the Sheremetyevo airport, terminal C
1. Make sure you fill in the migration card while on board the plane: you'll need it to pick up the card

2. After you pick up your luggage, when you're leaving the control area, turn left

3. On the right hand side, there will be the YooMoney card pickup office next to the wall

4. Our staff will activate your card and give it to you. You'll need your passport and access to your email address: we'll send a verification code there

5. At this point, you'll just need to add money to your card via an ATM, and you're ready to make payments
Add money to your card in cash right at the airport
1. Exchange your currency for rubles before flying to Russia or at the Russian airport

2. You can find ATMs on the first and third floor. On the first floor, they're across from the elevator

3. On the third floor, get off the elevator, turn left, and go straight ahead using the directions to Terminal B. When you reach Terminal B, take the escalator downstairs. On the right hand side, you'll see a SberBank outlet with ATMs
You can add money to your bank card without commission at any SberBank ATM in the city. You can find one on almost any street, look for the logo
4. Tap the card against an ATM or insert it

5. Follow the manual and add money to the card balance in cash.
Pay by QR code in our Android app
You can read codes at checkout at stores, from couriers' terminals, and on your computer screen when you pay in online stores
We'll answer your questions online
Contact us at
YooMoney is a payment service provided by "YooMoney", NBCO LLC. License of the Bank of Russia No. 3510-K.

YooMoney app 0+.

Full information about the terms and conditions of the YooMoney service can be found in the "Legal information" section.
Please also get acquainted with the current Terms and conditions of issuing and servicing of YooMoney bank cards, Pricing, and Limits.

You will be charged a commission of up to 500 rubles for servicing your YooMoney pre-issued card. The commission amount depends on the distribution point where you've received the card, please refer to the Rates for details.

In order for a YooMoney bank card (a pre-issued card) to be provided within the offer described on this page, it's required that the client completes the identification procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated October 7, 2001, "On countering the legalization of illicit gains (money laundering) and terrorism financing".

How to install YooMoney on Android™

1. Download the app to your phone. If you see a warning, select "Download anyway".

2. Open the downloaded file and give permission to install the app:
On Android version 8 or newer:
you'll see a warning, select Settings and allow the installation from the browser
On older Android versions:
go to Settings → Security → Unknown sources and allow installing apps from external sources
Done! You can use it. You can update the application later using the same file - following the same instructions.