YooMoney is a payment service provided by "YooMoney", NBCO LLC. License of the Bank of Russia No. 3510-K.
YooMoney app 0+.
Full information about the terms and conditions of the YooMoney service can be found in
the "Legal information" section.
Please also get acquainted with the current
Terms and conditions of issuing and servicing of YooMoney bank cards,
Pricing, and
You will be charged a commission of up to 500 rubles for servicing your YooMoney pre-issued card. The commission amount depends on the distribution point where you've received the card, please refer to the Rates
for details.In order for a YooMoney bank card (a pre-issued card) to be provided within the offer described on this page, it's required that the client completes the identification procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated October 7, 2001, "On countering the legalization of illicit gains (money laundering) and terrorism financing".